Nieuw: onze Senior Check

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Ik ben Rebecca en ik werk als dierenarts bij AniCura Pasteurstraat. 


I have studied DMV (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine). I chose this job because I enjoy happy, smiling dogs with wagging tails and purring kitties that like snuggles! And being able to use my love of medicine and critical thinking to ensure that my patients stay that way or get that way if they are feeling sick. 

My work

I particularly enjoy putting together the puzzle pieces of a challenging case, determining the correct diagnostics, treatments, and/or surgeries that are needed, and then seeing the improvement in the patient. I find immense fullfilment when our team is able to positively impact a patient's quality of life, making the cat or dog feel better and giving the owner a stronger connection and love for their pet. 

I have expertise in small animal soft tissue surgery, dermatology, canine and feline internal medicine, and dentistry including surgical extractions.

From the words of the AVMA president, "The veterinarian's oath includes the promise to protect animal health and welfare, and prevent and relieve animal suffering. It is a noble profession that demands a selfless commitment to serving the needs of animals."

I strive every day to care for my patients with the utmost of attention and care while providing exemplary service and communication to their owners. 


In my free time I enjoy traveling and spending time with family, running, scrapbooking, and playing tennis. At home we have a 12 year old rescued fat cat named June and an 11 year old retired police dog named Rudy.


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